Committees and Board Positions
1988-2006 Coordinator of the Fort Edmonton Park T.A.L.E.S. Storytelling Festival, Edmonton, Alberta.
1998-2004 Canadian Children’s Book Centre, Board Member
2003-2008 Consultant on Aboriginal Materials for the Edmonton Public School Board
2004-2006 American Folklore Association, jury member for the Aesop Prize for Folklore in children’s books.
2004-present Chairperson for Bilson Award for Canadian Children’s Historical Fiction
2004-present Seba Beach Public Library, Board Member
2007 Writer’s Guild of Alberta, jury member
2022 Co-organizer, Perspectives on Contemporary Legend Annual Conference, Ottawa / Gatineau, Canada
ISCLR (International Society for Contemporary Legend Research) Member at Large, North American 2014-2022
What people are saying:
“It is obvious that Gail is an experienced storyteller. Her choice of stories kept all the students’ attention.” Host, YABS Taleblazers 2008
“Gail has an incredible talent for engaging her audience, and even had the shy students participating.” Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Arts &Education Residency, 2008.
“[Gail] is an extraordinary story teller with a great deal of experience. Many of her stories she accompanied with string games that also fascinate the children.” Margaret Chegwin, The Pipestone Flyer, Millet, Alberta
“Gail demystifies storytelling.” Peace River Library System
“Gail de Vos inspired us, or perhaps the word is refreshed us, to get out there and try new things – it was like getting a shot of adrenaline.” Workshop participant in Clearwater, Florida.
“The power of the personal story made an impression me. We’ll certainly encourage more of this at home, and with groups of young people” Listener at North Dade Regional Library, Miami,Florida.
“Reviving the lost art of tale-telling…to a…rapt audience of adults and children in the main foyer of city hall” Edmonton Journal
“One of our grade seven classes is particularly challenging. There are many boys and it is sometimes a struggle to maintain their attention. While the stories they wrote with Gail still required some revising and editing, the content and ideas are much improved from where they were at the beginning of the year. Before this project, students had little confidence in their ability to write. After this project, they know that they can write and they have to work on their conventions just as authors do. ” Westmount Junior High School
“I want to write a big thank you for your wonderful visit to our school… The students really enjoyed it, and I had several very positive comments from staff as well. Even today — a full month later — I had a student come to me wondering where to find the “magic number that that story lady told us about.” Teacher Librarian, Little Mountain Elementary.