“Room for One More” Ghostwise: A Book of Midnight Stories. Edited by Dan Yashinsky, Ragweed Press, 1997.
“Hare Drier” Share a Tale: Canadian Stories to Tell Children and Young Adults. CLA, 1995.
2012. What Happens Next? Contemporary Urban Legends and Popular Culture. Libraries Unlimited.
2013 Winner Award, Storytelling World Award for What Happens Next? Contemporary urban legends and popular culture
2024. “Furries in Canadian Schools and Beyond”. Contemporary Legend 2 (June):1-5.https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/cl/article/view/38421.
2022 “A Meeting With the Devil at the Crossroads: A Contemporary Legend?”. Contemporary Legend 1 (July):119-59. https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/cl/article/view/35035.
“The Wendigo as Monster: Indigenous Belief, Cultural Appropriation, and Popular Horror” in North American Monsters: A Contemporary Legend Casebook edited by David J. Puglia, Utah 2022.
“Baba Yaga and Hellboy” in Monsters: A Companion edited by Simon Bacon, Peter Lang 2020.
“Cowboy Smithx’s The Candy Meister (2014)” in Horror: A Companion co-authored with Kayla Lar-Son, edited by Simon Bacon, Peter Lang 2019.
2017 Engaging Teens with Story — http://www.abc-clio.com/ABC-CLIOCorporate/product.aspx?pc=A5112P
Chapter 8: “The Writing Connection: Young Adults, Folk Tales, and Urban Legends”
2008 “Urban Legends,” In Storytelling: An Encyclopedia of Mythology and Folklore edited by Josepha Sherman. M.E. Sharpe.
Review: “A host of distinguished contributors like Margaret Read MacDonald and Gail de Vos adds to the credibility of this three-volume set. … This set is an accessible and well-balanced compendium. Recommended for public and school libraries”. Library Journal Winner of the 2009 Storytelling World – Storytelling World Award, Special Storytelling Resource |
2007 “Storytelling and Folktales: A Graphic Exploration.” In The Influence of Imagination: Essays on Science Fiction and Fantasy as Agents of Social Change.Edited by Lee Easton and Randy Schroeder. McFarland.
2005 “The A B C’s of Graphic Novels.” Resource Links: Connecting Classrooms, Libraries & Canadian Learning Resources.
2005 “Comic Books and Graphic Novels in the Library.” In The whole school library handbook. Edited by Blanche Woolls and David V. Loertscher. American Library Association.
2002. “Why Take the Comic Book Seriously?” Teacher-Librarian Today (8:1) 31-33.
2001 “Storytelling, Folktales and the Comic Book Format.” Language & Literacy: A Canadian Educational E-Journal Available online at: http://www.langandlit.ualberta.ca/archives/vol31papers/Gail_DeVos.htm
2000. “Storytelling for Young Adults.” School Libraries in Canada. (19:4) 8-9.
2000. “Who Says Folktales are Only for Children?” (with Anna Altmann) Booklist (96:18) 1752-3.
1999. “Once Upon a Tabloid.” In True North: Canadian Essays for Composition.Edited by Janice MacDonald. Don Mills: Addison-Wesley, 208-211.
1999. “Graphic Novels and the Reluctant Reader.” Quill & Quire. (Jan.) 44.
1998. “ Graphic Novels in the Library.” Teacher-Librarian Today (4:1) 10-12.
1998-2001. “Telling your Tales: Column.” CANSCAIP News.
1996. “Bringing History Alive: Storytelling at Fort Edmonton Park.” (With Merle Harris) Alberta Museums Review. (22:3) 36-38.
1994. “The Threads of a Story.” Alberta Museums Review. (20:1) 33-34.
2013 Various entries for Comics Through Time: An Historical Encyclopedia. Edited by M. Keith Booker, Libraries Unlimited.
2010 Various entries for Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels. Edited by M. Keith Booker, Libraries Unlimited.